The Liturgy Committee serves the community by providing for the planning of the celebration of the liturgy and services, the training of new liturgical ministers and the ongoing formation of all liturgical ministers at the annual Liturgical Ministers’ Day. The committee is concerned with education in the liturgy and the coordination of all elements of the liturgical life of Curé d’Ars.
The Liturgy Committee has nine appointed members. Members serve a three-year term and the terms are staggered. The committee elects its chair and vice chair.
Liturgical Ministers at Curé d’Ars are Catholic Christians striving, in their lives, to be living witnesses of Jesus Christ and are called by God, in their liturgical roles, to bring about in the faithful a participation in body and spirit that is conscious, active, full and motivated by faith, hope and charity. Liturgical Ministers are to be committed to continuous study, reverent fulfillment of liturgical duties and service to the Curé d’Ars family when convenient and inconvenient, and are to always be people of prayer for and with the community of Curé d’Ars.
(Adopted by Liturgical Ministers at the September 10, 1994 workshop.)
These ministers distribute Communion to the assembly and, when requested, may also take the sacrament to the homebound.
Eucharistic Ministers need to have a desire to grow in knowledge and the understanding of the Mass and the Sacrament of the Eucharist. They must also desire to serve the community with reverence.
All interested ministers must attend a training course. The length of service is three years and is renewable. If you wish to join this ministry, please contact the parish office.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at the Mass and other church services/functions. Lectors attend a training course, which is held periodically. Lectors must possess the ability to proclaim the Word of God and a desire to grow in their faith and knowledge of scripture. If you wish to join this ministry, please contact the parish office.
Rejoice: This choir ministers through music throughout the year at the 8:00AM Mass.
In Praise: The adult gospel choir ministers through music two to three times a month at the 11:00AM Mass and on other special occasions from September through June.
Exult: This young adult choir ministers several times a month throughout the year, including July and August.
Blessed Be: This all men’s choir ministers through music once a month at the 11:00AM Mass and on other special occasions.
Joyful Noise: This children’s choir ministers through music on various Sundays throughout the school year, including Children’s Mass, Christmas Eve and First Holy Communion. The ensemble includes Bell Ringers.
Musicians: They accompany the various choirs with a variety of instruments during Mass and on special occasions.
If you wish to join the Music Ministry, please contact the parish office.
Ushers set the stage for a positive prayer experience. Be one of the first individuals to welcome participants to the Mass. As liturgical ministers, each usher greets everyone warmly, provides for the orderly flow of the community, collects stewardship offerings, and responds to the needs of parishioners during Mass and other services. If you wish to join this ministry, please contact the parish office.
Altar servers assist the priest and deacon during the celebration of the Mass. If you with to join this ministry, please contact the parish office.